Black Diamond Backdrop
Black Diamond Backdrop

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20240830 193753 thumbThe possibility of a backdrop to act as a familiar focal point for our audience, when we had to move premises (which we often did), was first discussed in June 2005, just after we moved to the Globe in Manchester Street. John Crane, a local artist, was the obvious choice for the commission, as he had been involved with our club and folk music since the 60’s. John has produced Broadsides, LP covers and illustrations for many artists, including, Pete Coe, Bill Caddick and Vin Garbutt. Following a couple of visits to the Globe he produced a sketched version of the backdrop in January 2006, and with a few minor changes to the faces to protect the innocent it was agreed that he could go ahead.

The final version of the full-size backdrop, with 2 side shields appeared in March 2006, it was magnificent, portable and adaptable to the Globe or any other venue we might end up in. What we never envisaged was that guests, who had always wanted Derek’s brilliant pictures anyway for their own publicity, were now adding them with our backdrop to their websites and CD covers further enhancing the clubs reputation.

Fast forward to 2024, we were worried that the backdrop was showing its age as it was fading and absorbing moisture, so it was agreed to consult with John Crane to get his opinion. He agreed to have it back at his workshop for a complete overhaul during our summer break. John updated the paintwork making a few slight changes and a giving it a vibrant new topcoat. Afterwards he said he really enjoyed doing the work, as it is not very often artists get the chance to re-paint their works; Special mention must go to Phil Cross for his liaising and transporting. Pay a visit to the club and see it in all its glory.

Photographs curtesy BDFC Derek Catley © 2024

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