Dave Thomas

Dave ThomasDave Thomas has lots of chorus songs and shanties and a particular liking for the songs of Tom Lewis, Stan Rogers and Dave Goulder.

Andy Casserley

Andy CasserleyAndy Casserley is a member of popular local band so you'll hear lots of tunes on melodeon and concertina. But he's also a very fine singer.

Andy's Web Site...


Des Redwood

Des RedwoodDes Redwood began singing folk songs after he came to the club in 2000. Chorus songs are to be heard in plenty but he also draws from a range of traditional songs from across the centuries.

Margaret Redwood

Margaret RedwoodMargaret Redwood developed her love of traditional folk singing through the famous Jug O’Punch Folk Club. Songs from Scotland are amongst her favourites, but she also draws from many other sources.

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