Tuga TribeTuga Tribe are Miguel Quintero (bagpipes and flutes) & Andres Fuzeiro (percussion) and hail from Lisbon . They  sing & play traditional Portuguese tunes on pipes and side drum as well as repertoire from the UK and the rest of Europe too; Miguel plays Gallician and Irish pipes as well, and Andres is a wizard on just about every form of percussion I've ever seen.

Matthew price and Nathalie FischerMatthew price and Nathalie Fischer (Ireland, somewhere in County Clare...) sing and play folk and blues.Looking for common narratives in songs (Hard Times of Old England/Hard Time Killing Floor Blues for example), and imagining how songs that didn't reach the States may have sounded if they had. We  also sing unaccompanied trad stuff from our respective backgrounds (Cecilia Costello/George Dunn/Albert Shaw etc for Matthew and Irish trad for Nath)

Come along and support young folk students from Newcastle University.

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