Evening Concert Guests:

  • John Conolly

    John ConollyYou have heard his songs sung as folk standards but the best interpreter is the man himself. They are coupled with a great stage presence and lots of humour. His love of Grimsby people and trades are woven into songs and stories that will captivate you. A man that has never rested on his laurels and his new material is always high class.

  • Grace Notes

    Grace NotesGrace Notes are Maggie Boyle, Lynda Hardcastle and Helen Hockenhull. They perform a cappella and accompanied arrangements of traditional and contemporary songs in three-part harmony. Now in their 21st year, their highly praised and thoughtful repertoire make them one of the folk scene's best loved female groups. You will have plenty of opportunity to join in.

  • The Teacups

    The TeacupsWe are very excited to be able to bring you The Teacups. Formed in 2010 and studying in Newcastle they are Alex Cumming, Kate Locksley, Rosie Calvert and Will Finn. Equally at home singing both traditional and contemporary songs in four part harmony. They will soon win you over their warm stage presence and sense of fun. What better way to end the night but to join in some of the songs that have resonated down through the years at the club sung by the next generation.

Tickets: £25 All Inclusive

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