Current Season


Welcome to the start of our 50th Year

Martyn Wyndham Read

Geoff Higginbottom

Janet Russell

Stream of Sound

Peter and Barbara Snape

Barrie and Ingrid Temple

Richard Grainger

Musical History Tour

Roy Clinging

Peppers ghost

Jeff Wesley

Lynne Heraud and Pat Turner.

Jim Causley

Judy Cook

Ron Taylor and Jeff Gillett

The Askew Sisters

Bill Caddick

50th Birthday - Pete Coe - ** SOLD OUT **

50th Birthday - Brian Peters; Major Mustard; Mary Humphreys and Anahata

50th Birthday - John Conolly; Grace Notes; The Teacups

Melrose Quartet *** SOLD OUT ***

Caffrey and McGurk

Greg Russell and Ciaran Algar

Pete Grassby


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