Listen Again

Blast from the past
A Brief History Of Music
- Blast From The Past | A Brief History Of Music | 10 | Sovay
- Bonnie And Dan Milner | | | Adieu To Old Ireland
- Brian Dawson | | | Ladies Charmer
- Brian Dawson | | | Turpin Hero
- Caffrey And Mcgurk | Prototype | 1 | The Dark Island
- Capella | | | Sea Never Dry
- Captain Swing | English Jam | 11 | Pas D'Ete - Sample
- Chris Foster,John Kirkpatrick, Bára Grímsdóttir, Amy Dawson, Jackie Oates, Jim Causley | Hadelin | | The Trees They Are All Bare
- Colin Pitts | March Monday Morning | 1 | Footprints In The Sand
- Danny Spooner | Years Of Spooner | 4 | I Drew My Ship
- Enda Kenny | After The Interval | 5 | The Two Brothers
- Finest Kind | For Honour & For Gain | 1 | Bay Of Biscay
- Finest Kind | Silks & Spices | | Fair Maid Walking
- Finest Kind | Lost In A Song | | Goodnight-Loving Trail
- Finest Kind | Silks & Spices | | The Times They Are A-changin'
- George Sansome | | | The Jovial Cutler
- Grace Notes | Anchored To The Time | 1 | Bone Lace Weaver
- Grace Notes | Red Wine & Promises | 2 | Withered And Died
- Greg Russell & Ciaran Algar | The Queen's Lover | 3 | The Queen's Lover
- Hissyfit | | | Northern Tide
- Janet Russell | The Complete Songs Of Robert Burns Volume 2 | 3 | To Daunton Me
- Jess And Richard Arrowsmith | Customs & Exercise | | Jack Lay Back
- Jib | Carrying Coals | | Hold The Lantern High
- Jib | Carrying Coals | | The Last Time
- Jody Kruskal | Sing To Me, Concertina Boy | 7 | The Log Driver's Waltz
- Judy Cook | If You Sing Songs ... | 2 | Drowsy Sleeper
- Keith Kendrick And Sylvia Needham | Well Dressed | | Banks Of The Nile
- Life And Times | Where The Working Boats Went | | The Ivel Navigation
- Mal Waite | Turquise | | I Drew My Ship
- Mark Dowding | | | Dancing At Whitsun
- Martyn Wyndham-Read | Jackeroo | 8 | Old Whitby Harbour
- Moose | | | Lady Of Autumn
- Nick Dow | | | The Irish Girl
- Peta Webb | As Close As Can Be | 1 | True Lover John
- Pete And Babara Snape | | | Banks Of Red Roses
- Quartz | | | Rockall - Linden Lea
- Richard Grainger | On Heather & Clarty Moor | 04 | Iron Miners Testimonial
- Roister | | 1 | The Swains Song
- Ron Taylor And Jeff Gillett | Both Shine As One | | Ripe And Bearded Barley
- Rosie Stewart | On The Leitrim Mountainside | | Errant Apprentice (part)
- Roy Clinging | Cheshire Born | | Cheshire Cavalry
- Ruth And Sadie Price | | | Squire Frith
- Speldosa | Speldosamusic | | Cake Part - Engineer Part
- Steel Songirds | | | T'internet Dates
- Stonesthrow | Making Ripples | 5 | The Drift From The Land
- Strawhead | | | Live Not,Bonnie Bunch Of Roses
- Sue Brown And Lorraine Irwing | The 13th Bedroom | 02 | Nay Ivy Nay_excerpt
- Sue Brown And Lorraine Irwing | The 13th Bedroom | 04 | On The Fourteenth Of November
- Sue Brown And Lorraine Irwing | The 13th Bedroom | 01 | The Derby Ram
- Sue Brown And Lorraine Irwing | The 13th Bedroom | 05 | The Rolling Of The Stones_excerpt
- Sue Brown And Lorrine Irwing | Call & Cry | | William Taylor (part) And Maying Song (part)
- Sue Burgess And Paul Wrigley | | 2 | Green Cockade
- The Clacque | Sounding Now | | Once A Farmer
- Three Sheets To The Wind | All ' Tide' Up | 17 | South Australia
- Tom Perry & Clive Brooks | Mp3 Tracks | | Padstow Drinking Song
- Vicki Swan And Jonny Dyer | Gleowien | | Roses Three
- Will Duke Dan Quinn | Scanned | | Coleraine Town
- Will Noble & John Cocking | Yon Green Banks | 15 | Young Banker
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