Previous Guests

Jan 23rd Gu4


Unaccompanied English traditional song from Pete Burnham, Miggy Campbell, Karen Harris and Bill Wilkes. Gorgeous harmony singing and plenty of opportunity for you to join in with.

Check them out on Myspace.

Jan 9th David Campbell

Please note  we will only have David Campbell on Friday. David has a vast collection of songs from the British Isles and beyond which he sings with commitment and humour. We are looking forward to his first visit as a guest.

Dec 5th Tom McConvile and Dave Wood

Tom McConville and Dave Wood 

Tom is primarily known as The Newcastle Fiddle Player. A virtuoso musician and fantastic singer. The talented Dave Wood on guitar joins Tom this evening. This is another night to get to the club early. 

Tom on MySpace

Nov 21st Steve Turner

Steve Turner 

Steve is from a family of singers and concertina players going back to the 1890's. He brings a wealth of songs and is one of the most highly rated concertina players in the British Isles. Come and be mesmerised by his easy style.

Steve on MySpace

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