6 July 2018 Jack Rutter
Jack Rutter

One of the club favourites, Jez Lowe, led off our 54th season, and the 20 plus performers on a high percentage of singers’ nights continued. One of the outstanding nights was the newly formed Arrowsmith-Robb Trio pulling in a full house.  Many regular favourites appeared as guests this season, with a few new names thrown in, such as - Morai, Grasshoppers and Jack Rutter. We also had one of our slightly different nights when Phil Clayton and his daughter performed songs and stories of the Midlands canals, accompanied by a slide show illustrating them.

So far this season, in our 55th year of running, we have booked a number of artists new to the club - Rosie Hood, Steel Songbirds and Rowan Piggott. The best night by far was when Cosmotheka’s new line up appeared, raising the rafters at the Lamp Tavern and reminding us of the halcyon days of the club in the 70’s and 80’s, when Dave and the late Al Sealy were regular guests at the Old Crown in Digbeth.

We had a visit from George Sansome, as a solo artist rather than in Granny’s Attic, followed later by Crows who packed the clubroom with a wonderful night of harmony singing. Our singers’ nights during the 55th season also fared well, with an average of 23 singers turning up to the nights over the season.

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