covid 19 202030th August 2019 started our 56th season with guests Vicki Swann and Johnny Dyer. They were followed 2 weeks later by storyteller Taffy Thomas, an old friend, who used to come to the club in the 70’s both as a guest and as a floor singer. He was accompanied by Paul Knox on Northumbrian small pipes. Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne did a wonderful solo booking and we also had first time guests, Chris Elliot and Caitlin Jones. On March 13th 2020 our last guests, before having to close because of Covid 19, were Martin & Shan Graebe.

Unfortunately, like many other clubs, we had to cancel some wonderful guests we had booked . The Teacups who were on their final tour,  Bob Fox, Arrowsmith-Robb and Mrs Ackroyd, were also some of those affected. So, we lost half of our 56th season and all of our 57th season due to the lockdowns and meeting restrictions. We did not set up any “Zoom” sessions, but some of our members got involved  with local or national internet sessions and concerts.  On 6th August  2021 we ran a trial “Singers Night” with “socially distanced” seating, surprisingly 13 people turned up. This gave us the confidence to start the club up again.

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