We restarted the club’s 58th season on 3rd September, with “Singers Nights” only, but did dip our toe in the water by booking Pete Grassby on 24th Sept.

Music Hall Night
Music Hall Night

Unfortunately, only 11 people turned up , but it was great to be able to book a guest again and people certainly appreciated the night. For about the first 6 weeks attendance was in the low to mid-teens, but then suddenly jumped to the 20/25 mark. On the 11th March our 2nd guest of the season was Tom McConville who attracted an audience of 23 people, after this we decided to run on a one guest a month policy until audience numbers returned to normal, with any losses made being recouped on the singer’s nights in between. On 27th May we ran a “Music Hall Night” with all proceedings and donations going to support Ukrainian families.


The Twiddlers
The Twiddlers

Our 59th season continued with only having 1 guest a month and singer’s nights in-between, with numbers of people attending slowly rising to between 25 and 30. Dick Miles appeared on a short tour from Ireland, and we booked Mark Dowding, who visited us for the first time and was enjoyed by all. Tom Lewis made a welcome return to the club, since his relocation to Ireland, and we also booked a new local group, The Twiddlers, for their first visit to the Diamond.



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  • MOD_JSVISIT_COUNTRY_RU3.9%Russian Federation

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